Personal data privacy policy 

This Personal Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all personal data that FAINTECH LLP (hereinafter referred to as Fanetech LLP) may receive from the user when users use the Fanetech LLP website) - / (hereinafter referred to as the Website), Internet services, services, purchase of goods, participation in advertising and marketing campaigns or promotions and/or other interaction with Finetech LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Services). 

This Policy is mandatory for familiarization and execution by all persons authorized to process personal data in Finetech LLP, and persons involved in organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data in Finetech LLP. 

Basic concepts used in this Policy: 

  • personal data – any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data); 
  • personal data operator (operator) - a person who, independently or jointly with other persons, organizes and (or) carries out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data ( Finetech LLP); 
  • processing of personal data – any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) with personal data performed using automation tools or without their use. Processing of personal data includes, but is not limited to: collection; recording; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (update, change); extraction; usage; transmission (distribution, provision, access); depersonalization; blocking; deletion; destruction. 
  • automated processing of personal data – processing of personal data using computer technology; 
  • dissemination of personal data – actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite number of persons; 
  • provision of personal data – actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons; 
  • blocking of personal data – temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data); 
  • destruction of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) as a result of which the material media of personal data are destroyed; 
  • depersonalization of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible, without the use of additional information, to determine the ownership of personal data to a specific subject of personal data; 
  • personal data information system – a set of personal data contained in databases and information technologies and technical means that ensure their processing; 
  • cross-border transfer of personal data – transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity. 

This Policy applies to all processes of collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data carried out using automation tools. 

Finetech LLP processes personal data in compliance with the principles and rules established by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On personal data and their protection.” 

Finetech LLP does not control and is not responsible for third party websites that the user can access via links available on the Finetech LLP website. Third party websites may have their own privacy policies and may collect or request other personal information from the user. 

This Policy explains how Fairtech LLP processes and protects personal data and other information of users. 

By using the Services and providing Fairtech LLP with the information necessary to initiate further interaction, you consent to its use in accordance with this Policy. 

For specific Services, Faintech LLP may publish additional provisions that supplement this Policy. 

This Policy is subject to updating in the event of changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data. 

  1. Personal data of users received and processed by Finetech LLP

1.1. For the purposes of this Policy, “user personal data” means: 

1.1.1. Personal data that the user provides about himself independently when registering (creating an account) on the Website or in the process of using the Services. The information required for the provision (provision) of Services is clearly indicated. 

1.1.2. For unregistered users of the Website - persons making purchases on the Website without registration, such information includes: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, delivery address; contact telephone number, information about the organization, position, email address, information about the country, city, region of residence, information about the bank card (number, CVV, last name in Latin, year and month of card expiration). 

1.1.3. For registered users of the Website - persons who have successfully registered on the Website, such information includes: last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone number, cell phone number, delivery address, fax number, information about the organization, position, email address , information about the country, city, region of residence, information about the bank card (number, CVV, last name in Latin, year and month of card expiration). 

1.1.4. For clients/partners - persons who are in a contractual relationship with Finetech LLP, such information includes: last name, first name, patronymic, position in the organization indicating the company, email address, contact phone number. 

1.1.5. For applicants for vacant positions - persons searching for work, such information includes: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, residential address, home telephone number, work telephone number, cell phone number, email address, information about marital status , information about children, information about education/advanced training (period of study, educational institution, faculty/specialization, diploma specialty obtained, form of study), information about certificates, information about experience and work experience (period of work, organization, field of activity of the organization , position, main responsibilities), information about knowledge of software products and programming languages, information about knowledge of foreign languages, information about professional qualities, information about personal qualities, city of residence, information about the vacancy of interest, information about the work schedule, information about the expected level and form of remuneration, information about hobbies. 

1.1.6. Other information about the user, the collection and/or provision of which is determined by Fairtech LLP for the provision of individual Services, which is explicitly stated when ordering individual Services. 

1.2. The user’s personal data provided to Faintech LLP is considered unreliable and may be blocked until consent is received from the user or his legal representative to process the user’s personal data in any form additionally designated by Faintech LLP, other than that provided on the Website. 

1.3. Finetech LLP does not make decisions that give rise to legal consequences in relation to users or otherwise affect their rights and legitimate interests, based solely on automated processing of personal data. 

1.4. Finetech LLP does not delegate the processing of personal data to other persons. 

  1. Purpose of processing personal data of users

2.1. Finetech LLP processes only those personal data that are necessary to provide and improve the quality of the Services. 

2.2. The personal data of the user can be used by Finetech LLP to achieve the following goal: fulfillment of the obligations of Finetech LLP under orders, contracts and other obligations accepted by Finetech LLP as binding to the user. As part of this goal, Finetech LLP implements a set of actions aimed at achieving the following tasks: 

2.2.1. Identification of the party as part of the provision of the Service. 

2.2.2. Providing the user with personalized Services. 

2.2.3. Improving the quality of Services and developing new ones. 

2.2.4. Conducting statistical and other studies based on anonymized data. 

2.2.5. Providing the user's personal data to copyright holders, distributors or resellers of software for the purpose of registering the software in the name of the user or the organization whose interests the user represents. 

2.2.6. Providing users of the Website with safe and convenient functionality for its use and effective display of information. 

2.2.7. Effective execution of orders, contracts and other obligations accepted by Finetech LLP as binding to the user. 

2.2.8. Handling questions from Website users. 

2.2.9. Registration of Website users for events. 

2.2.10. Registration of clients/partners of Faintech LLP in the service desk system for subsequent technical support. 

2.2.11. Collection of resumes and selection of candidates to fill vacant positions at Finetech LLP. 

2.2.12. Implementation and/or fulfillment of the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Finetech LLP. 

  1. Legal grounds for processing personal data:
  • Charter and constituent documents of Finetech LLP; 
  • User consent to the processing of personal data; 
  • Internal regulatory and administrative documents of Faintech LLP. 
  1. Transfer of user personal data to third parties

4.1. Confidentiality is maintained with respect to the user's personal data, except in cases of processing of personal data to which an unlimited number of persons have access provided by the user, or at his request. 

4.2. Finetech LLP has the right to transfer the user’s personal data to third parties in the following cases: 

4.2.1. The user has provided his consent to such actions, including for the purpose of registering the software in the user's name by copyright holders, distributors or resellers of the software. 

4.2.2. The transfer is necessary to achieve the goal, implement and perform the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Finetech LLP. 

4.3. Finetech LLP does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data of users. 

  1. Measures taken to protect users' personal data

5.1. To ensure the fulfillment of the obligations provided for by the Federal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, Finetech LLP has taken the following measures to protect the personal data of users: 

5.1.1. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed. 

5.1.2. Local acts have been issued on the issues of processing and ensuring the security of personal data, as well as local acts establishing procedures aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, eliminating the consequences of such violations. 

5.1.3. Legal, organizational and technical measures have been applied to ensure the security of personal data. 

5.1.4. Rules for access to personal data processed in personal data information systems have been established. 

5.1.5. Registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in personal data information systems is carried out. 

5.1.6. Rules have been established for the backup and recovery of information and personal data. 

  1. User rights and responsibilities

6.1. Finetech LLP takes reasonable measures to maintain the accuracy and relevance of personal data held by Finetech LLP, as well as to remove outdated and other inaccurate or redundant personal data. However, the User is responsible for providing accurate information, as well as for updating the provided data in case of any changes. 

6.2. The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the personal data provided to him or part of it, as well as their confidentiality parameters by contacting Finetech LLP. 

6.3. The user has the right at any time to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by Faintech LLP by sending a written notification to the address: 141707, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, st. Likhachevskoye Shosse, 4, office 100 with the mark “revocation of consent to the processing of personal data”, while the user’s withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data entails the deletion of the user’s account from the Website, as well as the destruction of records containing personal data data in the personal data processing systems of Finetech LLP, which may make it impossible to use the Internet services of Finetech LLP. 

6.4. The user has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data in Finetech LLP, for which he has the right to send a written request to the address: Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Tole bi street, building 101, postal code 050012, marked “request for information about the procedure processing of personal data." 

6.5. To comply with the provisions of this Policy, Finetech LLP may require confirmation of the user’s identity, requesting the provision of such confirmation in any form consistent with the law. Finetech LLP undertakes to consider and send a response to the received request within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the request. 

  1. Feedback. Questions and suggestions

All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported to Finetech LLP by phone at the email 

  1. Personal data storage period

The period of storage of personal data is limited to the period required to achieve the purpose of processing personal data specified in this Policy, unless another longer period of storage of personal data is established by current legislation. 






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