Active Directory Domain Services (AD) migration is an important task for organizations that want to ensure the security and stability of their infrastructure. However, migration can be a complex and time-consuming task that requires careful planning and preparation. In this article, we'll cover the basic steps you need to follow to successfully migrate AD Domain Services.

IT Partner Responsibilities  

  1. Prepare and promote a domain controller The IT partner must study the customer's requirements and wishes, analyze the existing infrastructure and develop a migration plan. He must prepare a test environment and conduct testing to ensure that all components work correctly.
  2. Transferring domain controller roles When transferring domain controller roles, the IT partner must ensure that all required settings and settings are configured correctly. It must also transfer all the data, including users, groups, security settings and other important data.
  3. Migrating Group Policy Migrating Group Policy is an important step when migrating a domain controller. The IT partner must migrate all Group Policy settings to the new domain controller and ensure that they work correctly.
  4. DNS server transfer The DNS server is one of the key components of the domain infrastructure. When migrating a DNS server, the IT partner needs to ensure that the DNS settings are working correctly and that all domains are configured correctly.
  5. DHCP Server Transfer Handing over the DHCP server is also an important step in domain migration. The IT partner must transfer the DHCP server settings to the new server and ensure that it works correctly.

Client Responsibilities  

  1. Coordinate client resources and staffing to ensure smooth operation of the IT park.
  2.  Provide a dedicated contact person to work with IT partners.
  3. Coordinate any external vendor resources and schedules to avoid work conflicts.
  4. Provide administrative access to domains and Active Directory servers for IT specialists.
  5. Configure all network equipment to ensure smooth operation of the IT infrastructure.
  6. Regularly review and approve assignment deliverables to ensure work is being completed as required.


The plan may vary depending on your needs, but most often includes the following fundamental steps:

Active Directory Domain Services (AD) migration is an important task for organizations that want to ensure the security and stability of their infrastructure. However, migration can be a complex and time-consuming task that requires careful planning and preparation. In this article, we'll cover the basic steps you need to follow to successfully migrate AD Domain Services.

Step 1: Prepare for Migration

Careful preparations must be made before migration begins. It is necessary to define the goals of migration, determine the required resources and define the migration plan. It is also necessary to prepare all the necessary tools and software for migration.

Step 2: Define Migration Goals

Before you start migrating, you need to define the goals that will be achieved as a result of the process. For example, it may be necessary to transfer user data, transfer roles and access rights to resources, transfer security settings, etc.

Step3: Determine the required resources

For a successful migration, you must have a sufficient amount of resources, such as servers, network equipment, software, etc. It is also necessary to determine which resources will be used for migration and which will remain on the old server.

Step4: Defining a Migration Plan

Once the goals and required resources have been determined, a migration plan must be defined, which will include the stages of migration and the time frame for completing each stage. The plan must take into account possible problems and risks that may arise during the migration process.

Step5: Preparing Tools and Software

For successful migration you need to use special tools and software. For example, to transfer user data, you can use a program to synchronize data between servers. To transfer roles and access rights, you can use access rights management programs.

Step6: Preparing the old server

Before you start migrating your old server, you need to prepare it for the transfer of data and settings. You need to copy all important data and settings to the new server, and also disconnect the old server from the network and remove it from Active Directory.

Step7: Data Transfer

After preparing the old server, you can begin transferring data.

It is necessary to use special programs to synchronize data between servers in order to transfer user data, groups, security settings and other important data.

Step8: Transferring roles and access rights

After the data has been migrated, you can begin migrating roles and access rights. It is necessary to use programs to manage roles and access rights to transfer access rights settings to resources.

Step9: Testing and fixing errors

After the migration is completed, it is necessary to test the operation of the new server and correct any errors. You need to make sure that all settings and access rights work correctly.

Success Criteria  

  1. The new domain controller is available to users: You can verify this by checking the availability of the domain controller on the network and ensuring that users can log in successfully.
  2. Users can log into their PCs by: To do this, you can run login tests on users' computers to ensure that the login is successful.
  3. All settings are retained: This can be done by checking the settings on the new domain controller and making sure that they match the settings on the old controller.
  4. The server is running and all its settings are saved: This can be checked by running tests on the server and making sure that everything is working correctly.
  5. The old DC has been demoted and can be disabled: This will free up the resources of the old controller and prevent possible problems in the future.


Migrating domain services and AD roles is a complex process that requires careful preparation, planning and execution. However, if all steps are completed correctly, the migration will be successful and will allow the organization to ensure the security and stability of the infrastructure.

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We also pay great attention to detail and quality of work and service. We carefully analyze the requirements of each client and create individual solutions that suit their needs and budget. We provide 24/7 technical support to clients to ensure stable operation of information systems.

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