Contact to specialists
The email migration process can be labor-intensive, especially for larger companies. Often, during do-it-yourself migrations, important business data is lost forever. To avoid such troubles, we recommend contacting a certified Micosoft partner such as Fanetech.
Our Services
The data migration process requires preparation and careful planning. Fanetech has successfully migrated 10,000+ mailboxes and has experience in various migration scenarios.
Миграция почты в Microsoft 365
Transfer email to Microsoft 365 from other systems. We carry out not only data transfer, but also a preliminary analysis of the current situation in the company, and we also provide recommendations for optimizing the transition process.
Migrating from Microsoft 365 to an on-premises server
On-Premise is a classic model of access to computing resources. And it has its pros and cons. Despite the fact that most companies are switching from local servers to cloud technologies, the number of requests for the reverse transition is also growing.
Microsoft 365 migration between tenants
Migration between tenants involves moving mailboxes and service settings from one Microsoft 365 account to another. The transition from tenant to tenant involves the migration of a large number of services.
Fanetech also specializes in software development. We will be happy to help your company develop softwarethat suits your needs and business requirements.
Миграция почты: почему стоит выбрать Fanetech?
Your certified CSP partner
Migrate without interruption
Changes are made at a time convenient for you: at night or on weekends. The e-mail system is transferred without losing current files.
10,000+ boxes moved
Finetech migrates email accounts without failures or data loss under various migration scenarios.
We strive to make our customers' lives easier
Invoices are issued automatically
Electronic document management and minimum paperwork.
Personal Area
You can add or remove Microsoft licenses yourself in two clicks
Certified specialists
The team has extensive experience in implementing projects of any complexity.
How to build work process
Project planning
Project implementation
Technical support
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